Here is more detailed list of our products. As we sell thousands of different products by dozens of companies, we cannot list all of the products we sell. Give us a call to place any orders or have one of our staff review your business and let you know what Pine Tree Paper can do for you. You can download our full order sheet so you can check all of the supplies you need. Please fax it to us at (207) 774-7697 and one of our staff will call you prices and specific product definitions. |
Bags |
Paper Bags |
Poly Bags |
Plastic Bags |
White Bags |
Millinery Bags |
Sandwich Bags |
Clam Bags |
Shopping Bags |
Glassine Bags |
Trash Bags |
Insulated Bags |
Bread Bags |
Foil Bags |
Zip Lock Bags |
All Sizes; Paper, Plastic, or Foam |
4-8-12-16-32-64-128-160 oz. |
All Sizes Cold Cups |
All Sizes Hot Cups |
All Sizes Plastic Cups |
All Sizes Foam Cups |
All Sizes Lids |
Towel and Toilet Tissue |
Napkins |
Cups |
Soaps |
Sanitary Napkins |
Food Items |
Salt Packets |
Sugar Packets |
Pepper Packs |
Ketchup Packs |
Mustard Packs |
Relish Packs |
Jellies Packs |
Honey Packs |
Sweet N' Low |
Coffee Creamers |
Pancake Syrup |
Cone Mix |
Popcorn Kits |
Popcorn (Bulk) |
Flossugar |
Flossine |
Caramel Popcorn |
Ice Cream and Fountain Supplies |
All Sizes Cones and Cone Dispensers |
Sugar Cones |
Waffle Cones |
Syrups and Syrup Pumps |
Toppings |
Fudges and Fudge Warmers |
Nuts |
Cherries |
Jimmies |
Twinkle Coat |
Dips and Dip Warmers |
Malts, ETC. |
Slush Syrups |
Ice Cream Equipment and Machines |
Janitorial Supplies |
Oven and Grill Cleaners |
Dish Soap Powder (Liquid) |
Dish Soap (Automatic) |
Glass Cleaners |
Bowl Cleaners |
All Purpose Cleaners |
Sponges |
Urinal Blocks |
Lysol |
Brooms |
Mops |
Mop Buckets with Ringers |
Nylon Pads |
Stainless Steel Pads |
Floor Waxes |
Insect Sprays |
Trash Cans |
Grill Stones |
Grill Screens |
Wipe Cloths |
Comet and Ajax Cleaners |
Floor Pads |
Boraxo Powder & Waterless Barfoam |
Furniture Polish |
Air Freshener |
Spic & Span |
Ice Melt |
Motel & Hotel Supplies |
Bath and Shower Mats |
Glass Bags |
Sanitary Bags |
Seat Bands |
Motel Soap |
Registration Cards |
Laundry Soap |
Ice Buckets |
Glassware |
Napkins and Facial Tissue |
Dispenser Napkins |
1/4 Fold Napkins |
1/8 Fold Napkins |
2-Ply Dinner Napkins |
3-Ply Dinner Napkins |
4-Ply Dinner Napkins |
Beverage Napkins |
White and Colored Napkins |
Kleenex Facial Tissues |
Junior Dispenser Napkins |
Lo-Fold Napkins |
Plates |
All Sizes; Paper, Plastic, or Foam |
4-6-8-9-10-11" Platters |
Restaurant and Caterers Supplies |
Plastic Bibs |
Glassware |
Wet Naps |
Straws (All Types) |
Rubber Bands |
Plastic Gloves |
Plastic Aprons |
Hot Dog Holders |
Plastic Flatware |
Guest Checks |
Table Cloths |
Coffee Filters |
Coffee and Cappuccino |
Coffee Stirrers |
Bar Sip Sticks |
Flat Picks |
Mint Picks |
Sandwich Picks |
Sterno |
Doilies |
Candles |
Skewers |
Lobster and Cocktail Forks |
Placemats (All Types) |
Scratch Pads |
Adding Machine and Cash Register Tapes |
Serving Accessories |
Special Printed Items |
We do offer a full line of special printed items. Call us for details for your special order!! |
Store Supplies |
Roll Kraft Paper (12" to 48") |
Roll White Select Paper |
Wrapping Tissue Select Paper |
Twine (Cotton, Sisal and Jute) |
Tape (Nylon, Cello, and Masking) |
News Print |
Blank Labels |
Cello Sheets |
Select Paper Sheets |
Take Out Trays |
All Sizes in Foam, Paper, and Plastic |
Clam Boxes |
Food Trays |
Food Pails |
2 and 4 Cup Trays |
Bakery Boxes |
Pizza Boxes and Corrugated Pizza Boxes |
Cake Circles and Corrugated Cake Circles |
Toilet Tissue |
Roll Toilet Tissue |
Dispenser Toilet Tissue |
Junior and Jumbo Roll Toilet Tissue |
Towels |
Roll Towels |
Automatic Towels |
Single-Fold Towels |
Multi-Fold Towels |
C-Fold Towels |
Shop Towels |
Windshield Wipes |
Wax Paper, Foils, and Bakery Paper |
All Sizes Interfolded Wax Paper |
All Sizes Patty Paper |
All Sizes Italian Sandwich Paper |
All Sizes Waxed Roll Paper |
All Sizes Freezer Paper |
Potato Foil |
All Purpose Foil (10 3/4 x 12) Inter Folded |
12' an 18' Foil and/or Film |
All Sizes Foil Pans and Lids |
Assorted Bakery Pan Liners and Cake Circles |
Bakery Tissue |
Bakery Cups |
633 Warren Avenue,
Portland ME. 04102 |